Idaho's Independent State Senator LD1
Daniel Rose

Brief Platform Summary
I, a person of the State of Idaho,
grateful to Almighty God for our freedom,
to secure its blessings and
promote our common welfare,
do support the Idaho Constitution.
County level control.
Repeal the grocery tax.
Water rights.
Have all bills contain a Constitutional-intent statement.
Create a homeschool property tax deduction & CA-style Prop.13.
Keep property taxes lower and at county level, no transfer to the state.
life, church, constitution, family, gun, police, fiber optics, and small government. -
Rank Choice/Open Primaries initiative petition, wilderness designation, foregone tax use, contact-tracing,
manditory vaccinations, socialist law, and 5G (health).

I only support the lowest and necessary taxes.
I believe taxes are most responsible at the governmental
entities closest to the taxpayer and wage earners.
I support the county sheriff first and the municipal officers second, state police third, and a minimal federal police only when it has the coordination and approval of the sheriff in acting locally. I do not agree with an expanded federal police or any form of international police.
Highway Funding
Highways support the economic vitality of every community. The primary roads ought to be well maintained; secondary and tertiary roads are a local matter.
Agriculture Industry
I support all forms of agriculture, plants to animals to forest timber. I do not support excessive regulation on operations including water use.
Modern Workforce
I support an educated workforce. The workforce needs to be aligned with the area’s supportable revenue sources. We are a resource and recreation environment primarily. Growing remote industry that promotes expansion and development of computer services and manufactured products is a worthy objective.
Medicaid Expansion
I do not support subsidy funding in any form. Competitive health-care providers and insurance policies are desired. Medi-share would be just one example.
Increase Minimum Wage
I support a free market wage rate; supply and demand will dictate pay and benefits.
Government Accountability
I fully support an accountable and responsible [r] government. The loss of trust is government’s greatest Achilles heel. Local and state enforcement of government conduct has a turned a blind eye. The voter’s duty is to un-elect irresponsible and unaccountable officials, especially those who hide amongst an unlawful constitutional and statutory Oath.
Public Land Use
I support the use and access of all public lands, state and federal. With the proper management it can be safer and of better use. I harvest 3+/- cords of firewood each year on a federal timber permit.
Education Funding
A disparity of education resources exists within the state and is evidenced within this Legislative District where one of three school districts excels financially and the other two struggle. Under a recent Supreme Court decision, Espinoza v. Montana, the Blaine Amendment has been crippled. Redistribution of wealth is not the solution. I support a voucher system where some percentage of state revenue follows each child. I support a homeschool property tax deduction.
Life begins at conception. Exemption only for risk of life of the mother. I’m an advocate of Shared Parenting in divorce conditions. All rights of children are always first held by the parents.
I support adding to the intent statement of every legislative bill a constitutional statement which identifies what article and section of the Constitution each bill addresses.
2nd Amendment Support
I fully support the entire Bill of Rights, understanding that the loss of the 2nd Amendment will lead to a quicker loss of all other Amendment rights. A gun, car, chain-saw and an axe are all weapons; proper education and regular use is the key to remaining familiar and safe.
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