Idaho's Independent State Senator LD1
Daniel Rose

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (neither the Reader, nor the Bee would publish)
October 22, 2024
SANDPOINT – Dan Rose, the Independent, liberty and conservative candidate for the
position of State Senate, Legislative District 1, announced today his “intention to
Repeal and Defund the Proposition 1 Question, if it passes the initiative petition
ballot process, pursuant to Idaho Code.”
I’m running for Idaho State Senate to represent the people of North Idaho, not the Boise
bureaucrat interests. I have a proven record of public service and integrity in promoting
conservative principles to LD1.
“A radio ad scheme intended to promote and pass bad law by means of false and
deceptive advertisement, claiming that approximately 275K [unaffiliated / unenrolled]
Idaho voters cannot select any party ballot to vote upon, on primary election day is
contrary to LD1 values of honesty and integrity.”
Rose also recognizes the Democrat strategy being employed with the aid of “Liberal
Jim, whose distinctive and unimpressive senator voting record, being aligned with
Democrat peers in his prior years of senate service, finally exits the closet” to state on
the pre-taped Barbara Carpenter show, special airing on Monday 10/21/2024, noon-
1pm, 97.1 FM, that “Liberal Jim is voting with Democrats for the Ranked Choice Voting
process in Idaho Proposition 1.”
Rose’s elected and principled representation is presented again. “I will not waiver to
process which might violate my elected trust to liberty conservative voters of LD1, and
the plain reading of the Idaho Constitution and subordinate statutes, where applicable.”
75% of the funding to Idahoans for Open Primaries, the Boise organization running the
radio ad, is from out-of-state.
For comment and additional information, please feel free to contact Dan Rose via the
contact page at his campaign website: www.ROSEforIDAHO.com
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KRFY interview, September 25, 2024
(Ind.) Dan Rose:
Property Tax – install a national Costar assessment tool to ameliorate the disparity between residential and commercial classifications, $5K per county, FUNDED by the state, Homeowner exemption increase in the interim.Market sale valuation assessment by local and national providers.Implementation of a State Bank to create a non-usury reverse mortgage condition among other fixes to agricultural and monetary encroachments.
School Choice – create legislation to fund private education by a $6K voucher, or a tax credit of the Average Daily Attendance allowance, currently $11K-$12 per year.
Grocery Tax – First I’m for the elimination of the grocery tax, secondly w/o elimination an Increase in the current rebate of $125 to $180-$200 per year per person, or itemization of the actual grocery tax as a tax form line item.
Public Lands – Retake ownership of federal lands into the state account for management and sale, which sale proceeds would be partly allocated to school facilities, which reduces the need for school levies.
Medical shortage – 2023’s HB 476 prohibits criminal action under a good faith assessment of medical NEED.Health of the mother and rape and incest also provided as prohibition to criminal action.I’m against imprisonment and license suspension / termination for good faith compliance to the current code, but for increasing financial penalty in successive violations of code.
Against Proposition 1 question in its entirety, Vote NO!
(RINO) Liberal Jim:
10 year moving average assessment and homeowner exemption increase.No correction to the issue of unconstitutionality of assessment and taxing.
Declares that loss of public school student population, taking any voucher amount with the student will require the need for tax increase, because he can’t accept, competition for school funding $’s or educational content.
Does not know the annual amount the average grocery shopper pays for tax on food.Will not accept elimination of the grocery tax, foreign state estimation of $19-25M in tax will be paid by out-of-staters OR YOU!
Against federal public land acquisition.
Against the MORAL issue of death by abortion.
For the proposition 1 question
The above exemplify positions of a Democrat, thus the RINO title is appropriately affixed to “Liberal Jim”
The Daily Bee Forum, October 2, 2024
Both of us stated that the time zone identification of Mountain or Pacific was most irrelevant.
Rose stated he was against the Prop. 1 ballot question, Liberal Jim stated he’s still on the fence,and has not declared either way.
Rose is first for repeal of the grocery tax, secondly, is for a $190 standard grocery tax rebate and additionally itemization of the rebate amount for individuals paying more than $190.Liberal Jim has no idea of the accurate rate of grocery tax paid by individuals, but states the rebate should be raised to some unknown amount.
Heath care crisis:Rose says there is no crisis and that Democrats are implementing an oppositional agenda to Idaho Code 18-622, which permits good faith need for abortion for the mother’s health, rape and incest.Rose thinks the penalties are backwards.Liberal Jim is talking with doctors, even doctors out-of-state.Why does Liberal Jim have such reliance on out-of-state advice…, $$$$? Liberal Jim agrees with the Democrat agenda that the state right to determine the abortion issue was a bad SCOTUS decision and wants Roe v. Wade back as Idaho law.
Rose is for Idaho retaking the Federal lands depositing the land into the state management trust fund and eventual sale that is directed into school facility improvements. Liberal Jim speaks to the Good Neighbor Authority as the way for getting revenue out-of the forest and into county and school district budgets, which is not a current or future viable revenue expectation.
The above exemplify positions of a Democrat, thus the RINO title is appropriately affixed to “Liberal Jim”
The Reader Forum, October 15, 2024
J.W.: needs a fix “life to health,” Idaho Family Policy Center
D.R.: 18-622 includes health of woman, rape and incest and Proverbs 19:18 shall never cause death to the child, IC 18-622 needs misdemeanor 1st offense = $25K, misdemeanor. 2nd offense = $50K, then 3rd offense = criminal felony penalty and license suspension / revocation
The Idaho Freedom Foundation Influence:
J.W. does not subscribe to IFF, they won’t talk to me!
D.R. subscribes to IFF and the Idaho Freedom Caucus because they evaluate and promote conservative legislative analysis and voting patterns.
Lawsuit Abundance:
D.R. veering away from the constitution and implementing actions that violate personal rights
J.W. seriousness of deliberation and not implementing personal agendas
J.W. open mind, no preconceived notions, not branding open to term limits
D.R. open-door policy, bring source data to the intended solution sleep on conversations and return, creative interactions
Proposition 1 Question:
D.R. against the question and voting NO. - this is a Democrat Agenda to turn Idaho BLUE
J.W. did not commit describing pros and cons yet will declare publicly on the special Monday 10/21/24 broadcast of the Barbara Carpenter show, FM 97.1 that he is, sadly, out of the closet with a YES vote on Prop 1.
Opening Statement : Good evening and welcome ladies and gentlemen, LD1 voters and hosts Z.H., B.O. and C.B.. Tonight you’ll hear our positions on matters that might influence your vote, but most importantly, information that impacts principles and cultural values.
Values which I recognize as being: foremost faith in God and our savior Jesus Christ, independence from gov’t tax and regulation, good education (public and private), moral values of healthcare, respect for neighbors and Trump populism. (2016-2024).
Political Bio: 6 yrs. BoCC participation, BoD Save Selle Valley, 6 yrs. POHD Trustee, 7+ yrs. BCRCC service. VFW Jr. Vice- Cmdr., entrepreneur, all aid my ability to carry the torch of liberty.
Closing Statement: Why wouldn’t we send Dan Rose’s good ideas to Boise? Liberty and conservative principles guide my policy positions. Democrat policy: bureaucratic elitism, unrestrained taxation, , indecision, incomplete solutions, Boise interests, as identify Liberal Jim.
My open door policy comes with a caveat, identify a vetted / sourced solution to any complaint or legislative desire. My LTE’s, elected representation and participation in gov’t activities most often subscribes to my open door philosophy.
Though J.W. and I share “SOME” commonality as Comm. Officer in both active and guard military service, elected community service, our visions and values of LD1 representation differ. I am neither the Summer Soldier nor the Sunshine Patriot, that would be applicable to Democrat Liberal Jim.
I cannot be endorsed by the BCRCC, even though I have many individual members supporting me, because I’m no longer a Republican party member. However in 2021, the BCRCC passed a Resolution, close to if not unanimously, including my YES vote, to remove Liberal Jim from the Republican Party. Further, Democrat Liberal Jim is NOT endorsed by his own Republican Party in this Nov. 2024 election. I pledge to achieve an Idaho Freedom Foundation bill rating system (90%) rating compared to Liberal Jim’s lifetime (50%) rating.
What is not addressed in the question and answers I’ll address in my closing and/or my facebook posts at Dan Rose / roseforridaho.com. and website RoseforIdaho.com or individually at RoseforIdaho@gmail.com
To borrow from one of my favorite CA, R. Reagan, “THERE YOU GO AGAIN Jim.”
I will support an update to the grocery tax: (1st) REPEAL, (2nd) a std.$190.00 ($3.2K) ($61/wk/Per.) rebate, or, a larger itemized rebate. Residents will be made whole if an Est. $19-25K cannot be REPEALED.
A.) I will support that Co-star, a commercial revenue assessment tool be implemented by ITC and county assessors, $5K/year (x) 44 counties = $220K reimbursed from the state to county’s, to more fairly distribute the tax burden b/w commercial and residential property owners, estimated 23% v. 77% respectively.
I’ll support a max. $5K impact fee, county to determined amt., for home and land purchase by out-of-state buyers, which a portion will be returned to the renter as a tax rebate, a portion returned to the county of purchase for use In property tax reduction so long as at least 1% of the annual county increase is waived permanently (no forgone tax),otherwise across school district endowment funds to offset the inflated land purchases by foreign buyers that dive home sales upward and out of range for working low income earners, until such time as home sales reach parity % with the 10 year moving average assessment.
I’ll support a neutral matrix, a mix of national (redfin.com) and local (Selkirk RE) market value home prices used in any 10 year moving average calculation, and to eliminate the homebuyer impact fee.
I’ll support ITC and Assessor implementation of trend analysis assessment to the downside immediately upon market downturn corrections.
An interim .HOE increases move the burden to other property classifications, including lot land, which promotes land division to pay increased taxes, reset HOE t traditional 40-50% of assessed value asap.
I will support student funding that follows the child in the form of a $6K voucher or an $10K tax exemption per child ( 50% and 90% respectively of the ADA allowance per child). I agree with 2023 HB292 and 2024 HB 521, school facilities funding, which includes a 2.25% increasing to a 3.25% share of the state sales tax budget over the next 10 years. A possible req’d Const. amend. For a “thorough system of public [“and private”] free common schools.” ??
I will support the approval of absentee ballot transparency / integrity. Currently the county receipt of absentee ballot envelopes, which has an envelope signature and is supposed to be verified against the registration card signature is not observable to challengers and watchers, this legal technicality of interpretation needs clarification change!
I support illegal immigrants being deported and will support legislation of contract suspension and denial for 5 years for public funding of illegal employment, Art. XIII, sect 5.A 9/19/24 ID Ctr 4 Fisc. Pol. Report states Idaho rec’d $72M in undoc. immigrant taxes, 44% (31M)sales and excise, 28% (20M)property, and 27% (19M) income.If we can’t get rid of a 19M grocery tax how will we get rid of undocumented immigrants, reg jobs?
I support a volunteer firefighter’s contribution into the PERSI system, proportional in amount to fire hrs empl
I support water rights to AG which supersedes H2O to int'l mining in S. ID. Art. XV, sect. 4/5.
I support the consolidation of 10 of the 187 Executive Dept. State Commission’s.
I’m against geo and social engineering, Diversity Equity and Inclusion funding,
Liberal Jim did not participate in the 2020 legislative call back.I had an Art III, sect 27 conversation with JW and as vindicated since then by the WEF, this was an evil Int’l gov’t beta test & simultaneous pop. control
I support an Idaho State Bank similar to the Bank of ND, see: thebndstory.nd.gov/overview
The legislators take an oath to the Constitutions, I support .I and another effected the elected officer’s oath in BoCo.
As POHD Trustee, I identified a decades old unconstitutional funding of BGH by the POHD which was validated by the Deputy Atty, Gen’l.Subsequently, I exposed a violation of the service agreement to continue ENT services as Dr. Anderson abruptly resigned, $250K to Kootenai as opposed to $400K+ to BGH.
I’m against the implementation of Central Bank Digital currency, (U.S. Art. I, sect 10).
I’m for the retaking of Federal lands, Art. XVII, sect 1, Art XXI, sect 19.The GNA language identifies that the U.S., by contract is superior to I.D. interests. PILT $38M/yr has increased from $32M but still does not remedy shortages to county or school facility budgets.
I support discussion of a Constitutional Amendment “IF” Harris is anointed POTUS.inseparable <> Separable.
I support State Legislative Joint Resolutions, a backdoor 17th Amendment restoration.War Powers Act (Ukraine and Israel), CBDC, U.N., N.A.T.O. …,
I support 2024 HB 406 Fentanyl, Library HB 710, Abort. Edu. HB 476 and 2023 Med. Lia. HB 374, exc. misd-fel.
“Liberal Jims” Entitlement spending has not strengthened the economic growth path. It is a massive transfer of wealth from the productive sector to the bloated bureaucratic state.Idaho’s surplus $ came, in part, from federal debt funding.
National Policies do impact our liberties and freedoms by way of Federal Funds with strings attached, election credibility, border security, and I cannot emphasis the following enough, the trilateral financial stool of :1. The U.S. Reserve currency status, - 2. central bank digital currency, and 3. Multiple front WARS.